How to patch an Access 2000 Runtime package to Service Pack 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- Prerequisites: ------------- - Original Access 2000 Runtime. Comes with the Developer version of Office 2000 and should be located at :\ODETOOLS\V9\ACCESSRT\DATA1.MSI - Office 2000 Service Release SR 1a Adminstrative Download here: - Office 2000 Service Pack 3 Adminstrative Download here: - Optional: Access 2000 Runtime Security Patch Download here: Actions ------- - Unpack O2000 SR1a to any new folder (e.g.: C:\O2000SR1 ). Delete all files there except art.msp Alternatively you could also open O2KSR1aDL.EXE using Winzip and just extract art.msp - Unpack O2000 SP3 in another new folder (e.g.: C:\O2000SP3). Delete all files there except ARTSP3ff.msp Alternatively you could also open o2ksp3a.exe using Winzip and just extract ARTSP3ff.msp Create an administrative installation point ------------------------------------------- Run: msiexec /a :\ODETOOLS\V9\ACCESSRT\DATA1.MSI TARGETDIR="c:\ART2000" In case of messages like "Could not find file xyz" during install just click "Ignore". The installation files will now be copied to a new created folder "c:\ART2000". You should use the root drive (c:) for this folder. The following steps often will not work if you choose another place. Be sure that all files in this folder can be written to - change attributes and permissions if appropriate. Patch the administrative installation point ------------------------------------------- - Run: msiexec /a c:\ART2000\DATA1.MSI /p C:\OSR1\art.msp /Qb - Run: msiexec /a C:\ART2000\DATA1.MSI /p C:\OSP3\ARTSP3.msp /Qb In case of messages like "Could not find file xyz" during patching just click "Ignore". - Similar procedure for the Security patch. See for instructions. After completion of these procedures we have an Access 2000 Runtime SP3 in c:\ART2000 which can be packed and deployed.